About the project


Civil society impact on reducing air and soil pollution is a project worth cca 500,000 EUR and funded by the European Union. The project is implemented by Centre for Development and Support (CRP) with partners: Centre for Economic and Rural Development (CERD) from Laktasi and Rural Development Network in Bosnia and Herzegovina (MRRBiH) from Istočno Sarajevo.

By implementing the project, we are trying to strengthen the influence of civil society in the field of environmental protection and climate change, capacity building of CSOs in these areas, their networking and public campaign. Therefore, we will work with partner organizations to establish a “GreenWorks” network of CSOs and acquire knowledge and skills of CSOs in networking, advocacy, participation in decision-making, monitoring public policies, representing the rights and interests of citizens in environmental protection and advocating and promoting air and soil protection. An important segment of the project is the promotion of the importance of air and soil protection and concepts of solutions for reducing pollution and their importance for sustainable development.

Planned project achievements:

  • “GreenWorks” networks coalition composed of local CSOs and existing BiH networks for the development and promotion of clean air and soil solutions, established and functioning;


  • Improved capacities of at least 45 local CSOs for green solutions in soil and air protection, participation in decision making, advocacy and lobbying and monitoring of public policies, familiarised with the good EU practice and available mechanisms and actions of civil sector in this area; including awarding of sub-grants and implementation of 12 projects by CSOs.


  • Enhanced dialogue and cooperation between CSOs and authorities, through joint activities – development of the Study on air pollution impact of residential coal-heating households in Tuzla Canton area, and agricultural production negative impact on soil pollution in wider Banja Luka region, Lijevče polje.


  • “GreenWorks” network promoted and increased public awareness on negative impact of fossil fuels and agricultural production to environmental pressures – air and soil pollution, enforcing implementation of environmental reforms with phasing out coal-heating, for clean air in Tuzla Canton and reduction of agriculture soil pollutions in Republika Srpska.